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Checking progress

Checking progress is a great way to understand development in a more detailed way. This allows you to identify your weaknesses.

Checking progress also allows you to understand your time-spending habits and helps you to manage your time better while attempting next time.

Select Assessment from the top panel.

You may use Subjects to filter your assessments.

Click on View Details to see the progress.

Here a list of reports will be available for each of your attempts.

The charts at the right represent the number of questions based on the subjects (point 1) and question categories(point 2)

Choose the attempt and click on View Report.

Overview: Details about your overall score, percentile, and time spent completing the assessment.

The score is also visible subject-wise.

The tabs at the top Incorrect and Correct, show the number of questions attempted correctly and incorrectly.

Partial refers to the Questions which are left.

Skipped refers to the question skipped or left unattempted.

To see the answer, click on the drop-down beside the question.

The teacher may also add any resources needed to learn the topics asked in the assessment. These resources can be seen by scrolling down the page.

Accuracy analysis gives a review of your accuracy unit-wise.

The accuracy is judged based on incorrect attempts and time wasted during the assessment.

Time waste refers to the time taken while attempting the question yet not getting it correct.

Performance Analysis gives a graphical representation of many analyses.

Time analysis: (First graph)displays the average time spent on one question.

Pace analysis (Second graph) gives the time taken to attempt each question.

Accuracy Comparison: Displays your accuracy while attempting the questions compared to the Topper and average.

Speed Comparison: Displays your speed while attempting the questions compared to the Topper and average.

First Question matters: shows how quickly you answer first question after starting the test.

Mental Activity Measurement: shows the time period in which you have marked most correct answers simultaneously.

Accuracy level: Gives the analysis of your accuracy in the assessment topic-wise

Negative Marking Analysis: Analysis of the possible marks that could’ve been added but were lost due to incorrect answers

Solutions: Here, you may find the solution to all your answers

Resources added by teachers to learn the topics asked in the assessment. These resources can be seen by scrolling down the page.

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