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Operator Dashboard

Assuming you’re already logged in and on your Dashboard, Here you will find details about the number of questions added on the platform over the past months; you may also access/manage the existing curriculums and question banks and create new ones.


You will also find an analysis of trends and patterns in the content available on the platform.

Over the top, you have:


You may also create a new curriculum; click here to know more.

Report: To manage all the generated reports, click on View.

Question Bank: To review existing question banks or maybe create new ones, click Manage.

Question Added: Display the number of questions added on the platform over the past month.

Question Distribution by Subject: The graphs display the number of questions Unit wise for one subject.

It also displays the category of questions.

The categories could be identified using the color codings given below the graph.

You may choose the subject using the drop-down.

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