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Sign-up as a Student 

Signing up as a student allows you to use the platform more effectively. It gives you access to the tools for effective learning and allows you to collaborate with fellow students and connect with teachers.

Signing up also allows you to take various assessments and access the contents to the fullest.

Follow the steps below to learn how to sign up as a student.

Go to https://enly8.com and select “Register” -> “Create an account.”

Select Student on the top panel.

Enter your Date of Birth.

You can sign up with your Google or Facebook account, or you can sign up with your Email or phone number.

One benefit of using a Google or Facebook account is that you don’t need to remember a separate password for HighScores; the account is automatically validated.

Once the details are entered, the below message will appear; click on Let’s get Started to continue. You will be redirected to Assessment Home page. 

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