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My Performance

My Performance contains all the detailed graphs related to the student’s performance and a list of all the missed and wrong questions.


With detailed analysis, the My Performance page provides students with a comprehensive view of their academic progress. Students can track their efforts and outcomes over time, identify areas for improvement, and compare their performance with peers or past performance. This helps students make informed decisions to enhance their learning experience.


After logging in, click on your profile icon at the top right corner of the screen. From the drop-down menu, select My Performance.



You will be directed to the My Performance page, which displays the comprehensive review of your effort regarding the number of attempts, assessments, and questions solved. Rather than looking at an individual entity (assessment, course, etc.), you see the overall performance (strength, weakness, average time to solve a question, time spent on units and topics, etc.)



The overview compares your progress with the topper and the class average in the last 15 days, helping you better understand your overall position.


  • Total Attempts: Displays the total attempts you have made on the platform. Attempts refer to attempting assessments, taking courses, test series, etc.

  • Assessments: Displays your total assessment attempts, compared to average and topper.

  • Questions: Displays the number of questions you’ve attempted till now.

  • Average Marks: Displays the average marks accumulated throughout your learning and achieving process.

1. Effort Analysis



Measure Your Practice: Check out how many questions you’ve tackled today and this month compared to your daily average. Each bar represents a topic, helping you see where you’ve practiced the most. You may select the other subjects from the drop-down menu.


Effort Trend: Track your daily efforts and understand your study habits better. This graph reveals the number of questions you’ve attempted and the total hours you’ve put in over the past month, compared to the topper and average.


Persistence analysis: See how often you complete your assessments versus leaving them abandoned. Building the capability to finish the assessment with good performance is essential for you.

2. Academic Analysis



Accuracy Analysis: Displays the percentage of your accuracy while attempting the questions of each subject. Accuracy is based on whether a question is answered correctly. 

This graph helps review and understand individual student’s knowledge on a given subject matter and deep dive into unit and topic to pinpoint areas of improvement (select each subject on the left menu of your screen to see the detailed display).


Speed Analysis: Speed is the time taken to solve a question. This graph helps review and understand individual student’s efficiency on a given subject matter. 

Deep dive into unit and topic to pinpoint areas of improvement (select each subject on the left menu of your screen to see the detailed display).



Proficiency Measurement: You should strive for higher accuracy and low speed for each area. 

Higher speed and higher accuracy mean that you need to learn new tricks. It would be best if you learned new tips and tricks. 

Higher speed and lower accuracy mean that spending more time doesn’t mean better results, and you need to gain more knowledge. 

The lower speed and lower accuracy possibly mean that you didn’t know the area well, made a guess and moved on. 

Higher accuracy and low speed mean that you have mastered the area.



Subject wise Question Complexity: This graph shows how many easy, moderate, or difficult questions you attempted in each subject and how many you got right, wrong, or missed. Get a quick look at where you shine or might need more practice. You may also change the subject using the drop-down.


Subject wise Question Category Distribution: This graph shows the question distribution based on the question category, such as MCQs, FIB, Descriptive, and Coding. It shows how you’re doing in different subject question categories. Each bar represents the number of correct, incorrect, partially correct, and missed questions, giving you a clear picture of areas to celebrate and where there’s room to improve. Get a grasp on your strengths and areas for focus at a glance.

3. Comparative Analysis



Accuracy Comparison: This graph helps you see how well you answer questions in different subjects. You can see your accuracy side-by-side with the best student (“Best”) and the average accuracy of all students. It’s a great way to understand where you’re doing well and where you might want to study more.


Speed Comparison: Know how fast you answer questions in different subjects. You can see your speed next to the quickest student (“Best”) and the average speed of everyone. It’s a fun way to see if you’re a quick thinker or if you take a little more time to consider your answers.

4. Error Log



Error Log will list all your missed and wrong questions. You can click the drop-down button to see the correct answer and explanation for each question (refer to the image above). You can also mark the reason you can not solve the question correctly and filter the subject wise questions that were attempted wrong or missed.


  • Click “What went wrong?” on each wrong question.

  • Next, choose your option on the pop up window and click Save.

  • Then, you can see the filter result shown above the questions. That shows the percentage of frequency of your most common mistakes (refer to the image below).

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