- Assessment Settings
- Create a Section-wise Assessment
- Creating a proctored assessment.
- Creating a Random Assessment
- Creating an Adaptive Assessment
- Creating an Assessment
- Creating an Audio Question
- Creating Questions for Assessment.
- Download the Results
- Duplicate Assessment
- Evaluating attempts of Students
- Review questions of an assessment
- Review Student’s results and attempts
- Sharing Assessment URL
- Upload Questions using an Excel template
- Upload Questions using Word Template
- Show Remaining Articles (1) Collapse Articles
- Answering Descriptive Questions
- Attempt Assessment using URL
- Attempt Fill In The Blank Question
- Attempting a Section-Adaptive Assessment
- Attempting an Assessment
- Attempting Coding Question
- Creating a proctored assessment.
- Creating an Adaptive Assessment
- Learning Assessment
- Review the results and get recommendations
Parent / Mentor
- Assessment Settings
- Create a Section-wise Assessment
- Creating a proctored assessment.
- Creating a Random Assessment
- Creating an Adaptive Assessment
- Creating an Assessment
- Creating an Audio Question
- Creating Questions for Assessment.
- Duplicate Assessment
- Sharing Assessment URL
- Upload Questions using an Excel template
- Upload Questions using Word Template
- Articles coming soon
Instance Setting Feature
As an Admin, you may provide access to many facilities the software offers to the users. To access these facilities, follow the steps below:
Accessing Instance Setting
Assuming that you’re already logged in and on your Dashboard.
Locate the Instance Setting panel, and click Manage.


Under this module, you may find the enabling buttons for many features available on the platform. You may disable any of these features for users by turning off the enable button.
Chat: Enabling this allows the users to chat with fellow users.
Class Attendance: Enabling this enables teachers/educators to take class attendance.
Classroom Proctoring: Enabling this allows teachers/educators to monitor students in the classroom.
Show Banner: Enabling this allows the display of Banners on the Dashboard of users.
Banners may contain any information from recent updates, marketing ads, or details of any new features.
My Educoins: Enabling this allows access to My Educoins sections for the students.
Educoins is a reward program where users may earn coins by completing the listed tasks and redeeming them for various rewards.
Join Institute: Enabling this gives the users access to join the institutes from their profiles.
Enable PDF Export: Enabling this allows the users to download assessments in PDF.
Hide Code Question Output: Enabling this option will hide the output of coding questions when requested by the user while attempting any test/assessment.
Edit Profile: Enabling this allows users to edit their profile once it is created.
Code Editor: Enabling this allows the users to access the code editor.
The code editor is used to write and test codes on the platform.
Ambassador Program: Enabling this option allows the users to register themselves for the ambassador programs.
Adaptive: Enabling this option allows teachers/educators to create adaptive assessments while enabling students to attempt them.
An adaptive assessment is a type of assessment where the complexity level of the next question is determined by the answer provided by the user for the current question. If correct, the complexity may increase or vice versa.
Use Captcha: Enabling this option will enable Captcha when the students are taking the test.
Fraud Detect: Enabling this option allows the users to be aware of any fraudulent activity that may happen while attempting any test/assessment.
Liveboard for teacher: Enabling this option allows teachers to access the LiveBoard. LiveBoard is used to monitor students live in private/proctored assessment.
My Performance: Enabling this option provides students with a comprehensive view of their academic progress. Students can track their efforts and outcomes over time, identify areas for improvement, and compare their performance with peers or past performance.
Ambassador Discount: You may enter the number percentage of discount the ambassador will get by using their email ID while buying the content.
Class Board: Enabling this option allows teachers to interact with students while teaching problems.
Question Bank: Enabling this option allows using questions from question bank to create assessments, tests, courses, etc.
Using a question bank gives you the flexibility of using a similar set of questions or some existing questions from an earlier made set.
Partial Coding marks: Enabling this option allows students to get marks based on the number of test cases they get correct.
For example, If a question has four test cases, and the student gets only two test cases corrected, they’ll be awarded marks for those two test cases.
Exam Schedule: Enabling this option allows users to create Exam schedules for any upcoming examination.
Marketplace: Enabling this option allows the users to access the marketplace to buy various courses/ test series.
Student Weekly Report: Enabling this allows the users to generate weekly reports of students.
The weekly report may contain the student’s details alongside all the data on all the activities done by the student on the platform.
Coding: Enabling this option allows students to practice coding.
Capture Additional Info: Enabling this option allows teachers/educators to ask for additional information from the user before attempting any test series or assessment.
Course Reminder: Enabling this option facilitates the user with a reminder to finish the courses started by them and not to miss any deadlines.
Membership: Enabling this option allows the user to purchase from any services available.
An admin can create a membership and add it for a particular location and its classroom. A director can change the classroom from his/her side where they want to add their students after purchasing the membership.
My Profile: Enabling this option allows users to access their profile and edit any details.
Institute Setup: Enabling this allows the teachers to create an institute on the platform.
Marketplace for Student: Enabling this allows students to access the marketplace to buy various courses/ test series.