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Creating Questions for Assessment. 

If you already have an account, go to https://highscores.ai/ and log in. If you’re a new user and want to register, click here to see how to register as a teacher.

After logging in, your dashboard will be displayed; click on Assessment from the top panel.

A list of all your assessments will be displayed; choose the Draft Assessment you previously created to create questions. If you wish to create a new assessment, click here.

Then, click on Questions from the left-hand side menu and click the Create Question button.

From here, you can select the relevant options that fit the needs of your question.

  • Subject: Select the subject from the drop-down menu.


  • Unit: Select the unit from the drop-down menu.


  • Topic: Select the topic from the drop-down menu.


  • Section: Select the section from the drop-down menu.


  • Difficulty: Choose Easy/Medium/Hard for your question.


  • Visibility in the Question Bank:
    • Everyone: Available to all the teachers in your institute.
    • Self: Available to you only.
    • None: The question added can be used once only.

Select the type of Question:

Descriptive Question:

The answers to these questions will be given primarily in text paragraphs. These questions are usually given when the expected length of the answer is large, and the student is expected to explain their answer.


You can choose the word limit and marks awarded for the questions.

Instruction step: Write instructions for students to attempt the question and then click Continue.

Question step: Enter the question and click Continue.


Fill in the Blanks Question:

They are usually given when the answer to the question is usually a word/phrase.

Instruction step: Write instructions for students to attempt the question and then click Continue.

Question step: Enter the question along with the answers. The answers are written alongside the questions inside double curly braces; refer to the image below, and once completed, click Continue.

For describing the answers, two formats can be used; for instance, if the answer to a question lies between a range of 4 to 6, it shall be written as {{4_6}} means all answers are correct between 4 and 6.

In the second format, when more than one choice can be a correct answer, it shall be written as {{4|6|7|8}}, which means the correct answer is either 4 or 6 or 7 or 8. For instance, the answer to a question is green fruits. Therefore, the answer will be written as {{Guava||Watermelon||Grapes}}.


Explanation step: You can write an explanation of the answer for the student.

Click Save and Add More/ Save and Exit on the bottom right side of the page.

Multiple Choice Question:

In the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), you can choose the single/multiple options as correct. These questions are usually given when the question is expected to have one or many answers.

Instruction step: Write instructions for students to attempt the question and then click Continue.

Question step: Enter the question and click Continue.

Options step: Fill in your options, and choose the correct answer by ticking the checkbox beside the Answer Option. You can add up to 10 options by clicking on Add Another Option. Click Continue after finishing.

Explanation step: You can write an explanation of the answer for the student.


Click Save and Add More/ Save and Exit on the bottom right side of the page.


MisMatch Question:

In this, students have to drag and drop scrambled answers to their respective questions.

Instruction step: Write instructions for students to attempt the question and then click Continue.

Question step: Enter the question and click Continue.

Options step: Provide each option with its correct answer; refer to the image below. You can add up to 10 options by clicking the Add Another Option button.

After completing, click Continue.

Explanation step: You can write an explanation of the answer for the student. Then, click Save and Add More/ Save and Exit on the bottom right side of the page.

Coding Question:

These are the questions that require certain codes/programs as their answer. Coding questions may consist of problems to solve using code or questions on optimizing the code for a better time.




Question step: Choose the coding language using the drop-down menu. Multiple languages can be chosen. Enter the Question and click on Continue.

Test cases step: Test cases are sampled output for the given question. These are used to evaluate whether the program is working efficiently or not.



Time & Space limit: The time limit is the maximum number of seconds the program should take to get the output. Meanwhile, the space limit is the maximum size that’s allowed for a program.

To add a test case, click on the New Test Case button.



  • Command Line arguments may be added; if needed, enable the option and add the arguments. {Refer point-1, Image-4}

  • If any test case requires User Inputenable the option. You may add instructions about the user input, such as a description of the input and sample input. {Refer point-2, Image-4}

  • Add the Expected output for the test case.

  • Mark As Sample Test Case: If ticked, then this case will be visible to the student attempting the assessment. Otherwise, the test case will be hidden. {Refer point-3, Image-4}
  • Click Save and Add More. 
  • Note: You can add any number of test cases, but a minimum of three test cases should be added.

Click on Save.

Next, click Run Code to test.



Note: The entered solution should satisfy all the test cases; until then, you will not be able to continue further (Check between Solution step and Test cases step).

Click on Continue to go to the next step.

Template step: 

This is the editable code area that will be visible to the students; the template code should be added for all the languages selected at the beginning. Next, click Continue.


Explanation step: You can write an explanation of the answer for the student. Then, click Save and Add More/ Save and Exit on the bottom right side of the page, and a Question is created.

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