- Assessment Settings
- Create a Section-wise Assessment
- Creating a proctored assessment.
- Creating a Random Assessment
- Creating an Adaptive Assessment
- Creating an Assessment
- Creating an Audio Question
- Creating Questions for Assessment.
- Download the Results
- Duplicate Assessment
- Evaluating attempts of Students
- Review questions of an assessment
- Review Student’s results and attempts
- Sharing Assessment URL
- Upload Questions using an Excel template
- Upload Questions using Word Template
- Show Remaining Articles (1) Collapse Articles
- Answering Descriptive Questions
- Attempt Assessment using URL
- Attempt Fill In The Blank Question
- Attempting a Section-Adaptive Assessment
- Attempting an Assessment
- Attempting Coding Question
- Creating a proctored assessment.
- Creating an Adaptive Assessment
- Learning Assessment
- Review the results and get recommendations
Parent / Mentor
- Assessment Settings
- Create a Section-wise Assessment
- Creating a proctored assessment.
- Creating a Random Assessment
- Creating an Adaptive Assessment
- Creating an Assessment
- Creating an Audio Question
- Creating Questions for Assessment.
- Duplicate Assessment
- Sharing Assessment URL
- Upload Questions using an Excel template
- Upload Questions using Word Template
- Articles coming soon
Adding and Editing User to the Platform
The User could be anyone with access to your content on the platform. Multiple users on your platform ease the workload and make it extremely efficient to collaborate and perform tasks.
There are primarily four major roles assigned to a user: Student, Teacher, Parent/Mentor, and Director.
Other roles include Operator and Support.
Each role has its own set of permissions and access levels. For example, a student can only access the courses and assessments assigned to them, while a teacher can create and manage courses, assessments, and students. A director can access all the features and can manage the entire platform.
It’s important to assign roles carefully and manage user access to maintain the security and integrity of your platform.
Users can be added to the platform manually or in bulk using the templates.
Adding User:
Assuming that you’re already logged in. Follow the instructions below:
1. If you are a director, you can click on your profile icon from the top right corner of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on “Administration” to access the platform’s administrative settings.
From there, you need to select “User” and then select “Manage.” This will take you to the User Management page, where you can view and manage all the users on your platform.
2. If you are a Publisher, you can click on your profile icon from the top right corner of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on “User Management” to access the User Management page directly.
Adding User Manually:
From the User Management page, clicking on Add User will allow you to add one User at a time.
Fill in the details of the User:
Name: enter the name of the user.
Email/Phone Number: Once added to the platform, the user will receive updates on the registered email/phone number. They may also have to use the added phone/email to log in to the platform.
Role: Select the user’s role as Student, Teacher, Parent/Mentor, Director, Operator and Support.
The role is the designation assigned to the user; it defines the accessibility of features to the user. For example, a user who is assigned as a student can only access the courses, while a user assigned a teacher role can not only access the courses but can create new ones and edit them.
Programs: Adding programs for users will allow them to access the content available for those programs. Remember, you may only add the programs that are available on the platform and listed on the Institute’s profile.
With Teacher Role, you can turn on “Identity verified” to confirm that a user is a real teacher. You also allow a teacher to access to Live Board by turning on this mode.
For Student Role, more details are needed:
- Date of Birth: Enter the date of birth of the User.
- Time Accommodation: Add time accommodation for certain students, which will allow students to get extra time as per time accommodation added by the director.
Password: Give the User a temporary password; the User can change it once added.
Force User to Change Password: Enabling this option will allow you to demand the User to change their password when they log in for the first time. Using this option reduces the risk of security breaches.
After filling the details, click on the Add button.
Congratulations!! The User is now added to the system.
Adding Users using Excel template:
Follow all the aforementioned steps under Navigation.
Adding users using the Excel template allows registering users in bulk to the platform.
Follow the steps below:
1. Click on Download Template and open the Excel file on your system.
2. Fill in the User’s details:
- Email/Phone, Name, Subjects, Role, Password, Roll Number, Registration Number, Passing Year: Fill in exactly as the above directions.
- Note: The subject’s name is case-sensitive, and multiple subjects can be added using a colon(:) as a separating parameter.
- Location: The location will be the name of the institute.
- Classroom: Allot the classroom to the Student only (Not necessary for others roles).
3. Save the Excel file on your system.
4. The file can be uploaded using drag-drop or browsing directly from the system. Click the Upload button to finish. {Refer Image – 1}
Editing User:
From the User Management page, the drop-down menu has all the available roles on the Platform; let’s say we click on Student to generate a list of all the registered students.
Select the profile you wish to edit and click on the three dots in the leftmost corner of the profile.
Click on the Edit option to access the profile details. A pop-up will appear.
From here, you can make changes to all the user’s details. Next, click Save to finish the update.
Note: For some users, you can check the note at the bottom. This will help the director know how the user was getting added to their institute. If the user signed up by himself/herself with an email/phone number, the label will not appear; in other cases, the label will appear to show how the user was getting added. For example, in the image above, you can see the user was “registered with google 3 months ago“.