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What’s New

What’s New is a unique feature to present any announcement to all the students.

In a simplified way, What’s New could refer to a broadcast of any new feature or activity on the platform.

Assuming you are logged in and on your dashboard.

Locate the What’s New panel, and click Manage.

Under this module, You’ll see a list of all the available broadcasts.

You may Activate/Deactivate any previously created broadcast by clicking on the respective button.

Click on Edit to edit the settings of any previously created broadcasts.

You may add a new broadcast by clicking on Add What’s New.

A dialog box will prompt, asking for the details of the What’s New.

Name: Refers to the title of the broadcast; it’s suggested to have a precise name.

Summary: A brief detail about what’s new.

Add Link: You may paste any external links regarding what’s new.

The external link will redirect the user if they click on what’s new.

Upload pictures: You may upload images from your system using Drag and drop or browsing your files.

After filling in all the details, click Add What’s New.

Congratulations! You’ve created a What’s New.

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